Entering College

I’ll admit I didn’t do much searching for schools that would help me in my path towards film. I went to a community college without much expectation to really learn the craft. They did a fantastic job of giving me everything but classes that had to do with film, such a waste. I remember having a video editing class and the description of the class was that we would work on projects and edit them. Yeah, that was a big joke because we were being taught how to edit on Adobe Premiere the whole semester.I’m sorry but it doesn’t take a whole semester to learn basic editing which is why I was browsing around Myspace because I knew how to operate Premiere.

I continued making videos with my friends and pushing myself to be better with the limited equipment that I had. At the time we were using the small PowerShot cameras from Canon until we upgraded and got the Canon HV30. It was a mini DV camera and had the closest film quality to professional cameras. That was the go-to camera for aspiring filmmakers back in 2008. We filmed our own feature with it in the span of two years and we were happy with what we produced since it was our first serious project.

I graduated from community college and took a break which eventually turned into two years. Time was passing and I needed to figure something out with my path. I knew I had to get better and I definitely wanted to learn to light for film among other things. Eventually, a family member told me about a film school in Florida and after doing some research I was considering it. About a year had passed before I was getting ready to leave on this new adventure of mine.

Was I afraid? Of course! Fear never stopped me but little did I know what awaited me on this new journey to the south.