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I always like to go out and meet new people, it can be at a networking event or a friends party it doesn’t matter. Connecting with others is great because you’ll never know what doors can open from it. The right opportunity can be waiting for you and you can’t stay quiet or at home wishing and hoping for things to fall on your lap.

You have to go out there and get it, grab it by the horns and make something of it. You might stumble across a future job opportunity, business partner, new friend or even a spouse.

I have gone to places like a chamber of commerce, BNI’s and meetups and have still kept in touch with the people that I had met. Not everyone will stick around but as long as you keep that relationship going it can last a while.

Don’t go with the mindset of “what can you do for me?” but go in there with the intentions of “how can I help you?”. Trust me it will go a long way and you will gain their trust and respect because you are putting them first.

They will remember you especially if you are able to deliver and when you come to mind be prepared to reap the benefits! Always let people know what you do and who you are because they might be seeking for someone with your skills or know of someone who is in need.