That’s it I’m finally on the air! Its been a few months since I had the idea of starting a podcast because I have been procrastinating. In other words been lazy and afraid at the same time I’m not going to lie. So I finally pushed myself to do it and it was surprisingly quick and easy. I don’t have major studio equipment or anything it was just me in my kitchen recording off of my laptop and my mic was my apple EarPods. Not the best equipment in the world but when they say its the quality of the content that matters then I ‘m willing to throw sound quality out the window for the time being.
I think next time I will use my film equipment to record the audio. Perhaps maybe just make a vlog also and that’s something I want to talk about in a little bit anyways. Okay so now let’s get to the point on how I started my first podcast and how you can too. Literally anyone can do it now for free so there’s no excuses all you need is a phone or computer and since you are able to read this then that means you have either or.
I used the Anchor app and just so you know I am not getting paid for this at all this is just my experience that I want to share. I heard about the app through a friend and then from Gary Vee’s podcasts so I figured to give it a shot. I recorded myself on my computer and since I don’t know how to use the Adobe Audition software I edited on Premiere Pro. I don’t have time to try to figure out a program on the spot I rather save time by using what I know and get it done and over with.

It took about a good five tries before it flowed out of me. Because at first I was fumbling and then before I knew it, it all came out naturally and I was able to share my story. Once I was done recording I just cut the ends off that had dead space from beginning and end. I exported the file and uploaded it to anchor and I made my channel which was very easy. I got to make my cover art because they already had images and fonts so I just made a basic one in the meantime. Again I’m not caring so much about the quality right now because if I do then I’ll never get started. The way I see it, it will eventually come and evolve.
That cover art will change along with the sound quality. I just need solid content with good quality that can reach my audience and give them something they can relate to. I spoke about my story how I fell in love with film and how I made home movies to eventually going to film school to pursue my dreams. This podcast is going to get real because I will be talking about the struggles, obstacles, the good, bad, the ugly, techniques, stories and also touch on business as well.
I figured many people will be able to relate to this although this is more for filmmakers it’s also for non filmmakers as well. For now I will be sharing it on social media every time I get a new episode posted up.
Also as I was mentioning before about vlogging is you can make one on youtube and just extract the audio from it and use it as an episode for your podcast. Which is less work especially if you gather everything you talked about and transcribe it into a blog now you have three different pieces of content talking about the same thing. This is the triple arbitrage that Gary Lee talks about and it makes perfect sense because you have people that like to read, others that prefer to watch and then those that need to listen because they are commuting or at the gym.
With these three you have all types of people consuming your content instead of just making one. Check my podcast out click the link below on Spotify.