As usual I am very transparent and even though it looks like I already “made it” I really haven’t. I’m not where I want to be yet but its only been 8 years in the field and 5 years in business so according to many my overnight success might not hit until my 10th year. I struggle financially, I use to do Uber but I’ve noticed that it took a lot of time away from my business.
I took the leap of faith and stopped depending on Uber and just started working on my own projects and putting full attention towards branding myself and networking. I’m not trying to get religious but I did feel from God in my heart to finish a passion project of mine. Who knows, maybe this project could be the one that launches me?
Anyway its been up and down lately and yes there has been income coming in and I’m so grateful that it came effortlessly. It’s not enough to fully sustain me but it does help and gets you to think what to move around.

Yesterdays Funk
Yesterday I got a letter stating that I have a late fee to my car note and I was just a wreck after that. I was so angry that I couldn't focus on anything. Last week I was searching for a job, yeah I know a business owner looking for a job but hey its reality. I need income and I don't want to beat up my car driving people around while doing it.
It took most of the day to get my head out of this mess and I managed to pick myself up. So today I am blogging “hello!” I will also make a vlog, start my podcast and trying to post daily on social media. Aside from that I will also work on my passion project and finish an edit that I was hired for. Not everyone has a similar situation like mine because some still have their 9-5. However if you do stick with it until your side hustle can make the same or more than your 9-5.
If you are like me with the financial situation then just hang on because it has always worked out for me. Something always happens at the very last minute you just have to keep moving and don’t stop. I don’t know what’s going to happen between now till the end of the month but I will keep moving and keep trying if I have to do Uber just two days then I’ll do that as an emergency but I will not go back to it full time depending on it.
Sometimes you have to allow this situation to mold you so that you can grow. Maybe it will teach you something that you didn’t know before and it builds character believe it or not. I have learned to be patient and to enjoy the process but I will be honest with you, not every minute of it is enjoyable because sometimes you tend to forget and just lose it. I’m not where I want to be at right now but thank God I’m not where I use to be and I can gladly say I love what I do. Sure I can work for a major film company but I won’t have any control over anything. Thats why I rather have my own business because I can do what I want and I don’t do well when people try to boss me around.
So the next time you are feeling like you’re in a rut and you just want to pull your hairs out of your head just take a step back and remember why you got into business or your dream. Take a deep breath, analyze your whole situation and get back in there with a strategy.