I arrived in Florida from my three-day drive from California and it was very exhausting. My intentions were to visit my parents for two weeks then head to Georgia to look for an apartment and find work in film. Unfortunately, those two weeks turned into a month and money was running dry before making my big decision.
I was temporarily working for the production company that I use to work for while I was in college. I called them letting them know that I was in town and they gave me some work to do but it wasn’t enough to sustain me and have a place of my own. Plus I didn’t want to be in Florida I honestly hated living there. I found out about a networking event in Georgia so I took a trip up there but it
It was small production companies looking for interns, nothing they were offering was paid. While I was out there I stayed with my uncle for the night and the next day I was looking for apartments but I only had enough just to move in. Nothing to pay bills and I went to a sound stage but nobody was there I also went to Tyler Perry Studios but I had to apply online.
I drove back to Florida and I was out there for one more week until I decided to move back up to Jersey. I figured since its right next to New York I can find work and people know me back home maybe I can do some film work. I got my stuff together called up one of my friends to see if he can return the favor of letting me stay with him rent-free until I get up on my feet. He agreed since years ago he stayed with me rent free for a year. A little lesson here, do good to others because you’ll never know who will repay you back.
I arrived in Jersey and this is where the real struggle happened. I thought it was financially rough in college but facing those student loans without any income was brutal and my family wasn’t able to help me. I applied to over 80 jobs sending out emails, filling out online applications, reaching out to people and got nothing in return. In the meantime, I met some people and started doing wedding gigs but was also getting burned.
I met some guys that wanted to do music videos for some of their tracks and I got paid but that was short lived also. I was using my credit cards to survive and to pay my loans which was a bad move but I was desperate. I even applied to restaurants and didn’t get anywhere. I was damaging my mom’s credit because she co-signed for my loans, they froze my credit cards for going over the limit without paying monthly and my student loans went into collections. I graduated owing $90K and my credit cards were $10K.
The daily phone calls were so stressful I was not at peace and I know I am not the only college graduate that went through that or is currently going through it. Many are in so much debt and can’t find a job it’s outrageous. Six months went by and I moved in with my brother because I felt that I was becoming a burden to my friend. It was January 2014 and I was wrestling with the idea of starting my own business even though I knew nothing about
This is where the real journey begins and I hope you stick around for tomorrows blog because I will get into my business ventures. Please subscribe to our mailing list to get updates on tutorials and film related topics.