In the digital age where you find everything online you also see online businesses booming and with good reason. Most of these businesses are either e-commerce or courses for certain industries. For example there are plenty of businesses out there that sell bath bombs which is a growing industry. It’s easy to make and women love using bath bombs, therefor the demand is high. I’ve seen many online courses on digital marketing and it seems as if everybody has become a guru in that field so they have launched an online course.
Even professionals such as filmmakers, chefs, music producers and more have been part of the Master Class courses online. Sometimes I’m tempted to purchase one from chef Gordan Ramsey just to expand my cooking skills. Anyway this is really good for those that are in the arts because you don’t really need a degree so in my personal opinion you can save tens of thousands by not going to college for it.
Some people might say it’s pointless to pay for these online courses and watch videos when they can simply search it on youtube or google. That may be true but you can’t deny the fact that you have to filter through the pointless amount of videos that also have click bate. Even if they are teaching the subject not everyone gets to the point or can at least hold someones attention for very long. Some don’t explain it very well and it can be frustrating sitting there looking for the right video then before you know it a few hours have gone by.
Online courses can help those that already went to school but might need to learn a better technique or the latest thing that is being done. I have actually considered an online course for computer animation that possibly costs a few thousand vs tens of thousands that I have to go to an actual campus for and the duration is at least two to four years on average. And when it’s the professionals that have done things in the industry that you want to learn about then it makes it more motivating to purchase the course rather than a professor that most likely didn’t do much in their field.
For example I have been making youtube videos on filmmaking and I get really good feedback from the few that watch it. So I have considered making an online course but let me tell you it’s not as easy as it sounds because you have to plan everything out and make sure you know your stuff. The last thing you want to do is pretend you know and fake it till you make it. It can blow up in your face and I do not recommend risking your reputation.
The reason why I have considered it is because whenever someone asks me about filmmaking and how to do certain things I just simply explain it in such a way that they easily grasp it. Many of them are grateful for the wealth of knowledge that I shared so why not make money off of it? Two platforms that I know of are Teachable and Thinkific. You don’t have to worry about building your own website from scratch because there are websites out there that make life easy.
If you are good at explaining things and have a healthy amount of experience in a particular industry you might want to consider making online courses and turning it into a business. This is a good source of monthly income but it will take work because a lot of marketing is involved.