How SEO Brings People To Your Website

How SEO Brings People To Your Website

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All of us business owners would love for people to come and find us and buy our products or services without having to spend tons of money on marketing. Well that would be nice in a perfect world, but maybe it still can happen. In early May of this year I decided to push my website and blog almost everyday and also back link as much as possible.

I was also sharing my blogs on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pintrest and in my bio on Instagram. Things became busy for me in early June so I wasn’t able to dedicate any time for blogs or posts for that matter. Now that we are at the end of June I am checking out my analytics and was caught by surprise. I still had traffic coming into my website!

Even without posting anything two Saturdays ago I had 15 people visit my site. That doesn’t sound like a big number but I’m starting to see this at work. About 4 of them came from an organic search which began to encourage me to continue blogging.

Although I have about a two week setback it doesn’t mean I should stay where I’m at. I definitely have to keep moving and post more especially on my youtube channel. I was very excited because I never thought that this would work for me and I’m still learning how to read the analytics to see where these people are coming from and who they are.

If they are interested in filmmaking then I can benefit by making an online course. If they are a local business owner that needs a commercial done then I can help them along the way to boost traffic for their business.

I can possibly make merchandise such as hats and shirts designed for filmmakers. The ideas are endless for a business owner, well maybe not endless but you get the point.

By using keywords in your posts you will began to rank high in Google but make sure its words that are used in your industry and people are typing those words in the search.

You also have to post frequently not just once a month like how I use to do a while back. They say 3-5 times a week is good and within 6 months you will begin to see more traffic than before.

I will continue to push my blogs and post them on all platforms in hopes to not only gaining business from it but also to encourage others to blog so that they can get exposure in their community.