I recently came across a young man who was partially blind. I didn’t ask him how it happened I just had a little small talk but it put things into perspective. I am a visual artist and my vision is very important and valuable to me because without it I won’t be able to direct, film or edit let alone watch films and learn from them.
Everyday that I wake up I thank God for what I have even for being able to wiggle my fingers. These are day to day things that we take for granted yet there are many people around the world that wish and hope that they can do that. Some probably had an accident, an illness or were born that way.
I also watch lots of videos on Youtube of my favorite entrepreneurs and sometimes they’ll have a guest on their show that has a similar disability yet they are successful impacting lives. I’m not saying the guy that I met isn’t successful because I don’t know him like that. But there are some people that became paralyzed and could have let that be the end of their dreams. However, they did not give up and they kept pushing. Some became healed through thought and manifestation.
There are people that wallow in self pity and they are perfectly fine they have no excuses whatsoever. If you think you are having a bad day go on the internet and just google people who were in freak accidents or are in their deathbeds. Pretty soon you’ll realize you don’t have it so bad after all.
Go after your dreams and chase your desires because you only have one life to live. I’ve seen bodybuilders that were born without limbs. BODYBUILDERS WITHOUT LIMBS! There’s no reason why you can’t get on your grind and if that’s not enough for you then go to a senior citizens home and ask the elderly what do they regret most? I bet you some of them would have wished to become something they dreamed of as a kid but never did because they were afraid.
See yourself as the person you wanted to be as a kid, if you want that dream house then make a financial goal and stick to it because you’ll eventually get it. Go back to school if you have to it’s not too late. Start that business that you always wanted or sell the creations that you made from your hobby. Exercise and run that marathon you always wanted to race.
I know many that gave up and I can gladly say I never gave up on my dreams no matter how hard it has been or will get I won’t give up. If there’s people with all odds stacked against them achieving their goals then why can’t you? Don’t let your perspective of a glass half empty cloud your mind from being extraordinary.