While I was enjoying myself at work I also kept in mind that my time at legend 3D was coming to an end. My contract was for five months and only a tiny percent of those contracts would get renewed. I was totally fine if I had to leave because although I really liked Cali, it wasn’t home something was missing. So I was looking up gigs in Georgia to see what was going on out there and much to my surprise there was a lot of things happening.
At the time they were about to film A Merry Friggin Christmas with Robin Williams. So much production was happening left and right it was only logical to move there. Plus the film incentives were high and cost of living is cheap its no wonder why all of these filmmakers from LA moved down there or to Louisiana.
I started finding filmmakers online and reached out to network, it was looking really busy I kept thinking to myself if only this contract would end sooner. I wasn’t able to leave right after the contract anyway because of my lease so I had to stick around for another month. However, I was exploring San Diego, LA, Santa Monica and taking advantage of my free time. I went whale watching and almost threw up but I got to see dolphins and whale tales. I explored both zoo’s in San Diego which was awesome.
Everything worked out fine because I wouldnt want to bring all of my belongings out of storage all the way across the country. Thats too expensive and I just needed to go back to the east coast because that 3 hour time zone difference made it hard to communicate with friends and family after work.
It was the very end of April I left California and drove back to Florida to visit my parents before exploring Georgia. But I had to do one thing and that was visit the Grand Canyon and yes it was breath taking. I was off to another journey not knowing if everything will work out but I had to try I had to stretch myself and have faith that things will fall into place.